Milligan and Higgins
75% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.
Pan American Leather
75% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.
B. E. Shell Co.
40% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.
G. Levor Company
75% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.
G. Lever & Corporation
% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.
Surpass Leather Company
75% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.
Nathan Littauer Hospital
20% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.
Fulton County Gas and Electric Company
95% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.
Daniel Hays
75% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.