Waitt Richards
% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.
Mohican Brick Company
100% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.
Union Bag and Paper Company
60% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.
General Electric (GE)
95% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.
Allen Brothers Company
75% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.
Sandy Hill Iron and Brass Works
75% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.
Flood Van Wirt Engineering and Construction Company
100% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.
Bag and Paper Company, New York
% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.
Niagara Mohawk Power Corp.
95% chances of asbestos exposure resulting in development of lung cancer and other cancers.